Is SerpClix still a way to make money as a clicker in 2024?

Yes, SerpClix remains a viable way to make money as a clicker in 2024, albeit with some caveats to consider. According to information available, SerpClix offers a unique opportunity for individuals to earn money by simply searching for specific terms on search engines and clicking on designated results. Here's a comprehensive look at what SerpClix offers and some considerations to keep in mind.

How SerpClix Works

  • Earning Potential: Users can earn between $0.05 to $0.10 per click, with the opportunity to increase earnings through a 10% referral commission.
  • Payment and Thresholds: Payments are made via PayPal, with a minimum payout threshold of $5.
  • Global Accessibility: There's no application required, and the platform is accessible to anyone from any country, making it an attractive option for easy online income.

User Reviews and Experiences

  • User Satisfaction: While some users find it a straightforward way to earn extra income, others point out the relatively low earning potential and the high number of orders needed to make a significant amount.
  • Age and Earnings: Most reviewers are between the ages of 18-24, and a majority have earned less than $100, highlighting the platform as more of a supplemental income source.

Legitimacy and Trustworthiness

  • Company Background: SerpClix was founded in 2016 and is now owned by Monumental Marketing LLC, signaling a legitimate business operation.
  • Trust and Reviews: The platform has received a mix of positive and negative reviews, but overall, it maintains a decent reputation on review sites like Trustpilot.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • SEO Manipulation: By paying users to click on specific search results, SerpClix essentially manipulates search engine rankings, which, while not illegal, does go against Google's guidelines.
  • Risk of Account Ban: There's a risk associated with using SerpClix related to Google potentially banning accounts due to the manipulation of search results.


SerpClix offers an easy way to make a bit of extra money online, with minimal effort required from the user's side. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons, especially considering the ethical implications and the potential risks involved with search engine manipulation. If you're looking for a small supplemental income and are willing to navigate these considerations, SerpClix could be worth exploring.


Q: How much can I realistically earn with SerpClix?
A: Earnings vary based on the number of clicks and referrals but expect to earn between $0.05 to $0.10 per click, with most users earning less than $100 overall.

Q: Is there any risk to using SerpClix?
A: Yes, manipulating search engine results goes against Google's guidelines, which could potentially lead to your account being banned. It's recommended to not use your main Google account when working with SerpClix.

Q: Can I use SerpClix from any country?
A: Yes, SerpClix is available globally, and there are no specific country restrictions for users looking to earn money as clickers.

If you're looking to try out SerpClix, click here